Wednesday, March 24, 2010

the events of: 38 weeks

wow, what a week! I must say that it is a miracle to be carrying these girls for this long. I remind myself when my emotions get low that everyday they are in the womb is another day of the girls growing and getting stronger. I am so curious to know how much these girls weigh at this point. they were about 6 lbs a few weeks ago - so how much weight have they gained since then?

as of this morning, I have an induction date. If the girls do not come on their own, I will be at the hospital next Tuesday early morning for a dose of pitocin and the birth of my girls! yay! so the count down can begin, because we are guaranteed to meet these girls by Tuesday, March 30th! that sounds like a good birth day to me... :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...we're getting so excited for y'all. March 30th sounds like an awesome birthday for the girls (like the poem says...Tuesday's child is full of grace) unless, of course, they come earlier & then any day between now & then is good, right!?! Praying everything goes well for Mom & babies (& Dad too). Thinking about y'all a lot.

    Love, Cindy & family

    P.S. Kerri did great at her confirmation questioning last night...she's glad that's over!
